Package net.i2p.util

Class SocketTimeout

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SocketTimeout
    extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent
    Implements one or two timers; one for inactivity, that is reset by resetTimer(), and optionally, a total time since instantiation, that is configured by setTotalTimeoutPeriod(). On timer expiration, this will close a provided socket, and/or run a configured job. Deprecated for external use. It is only used by EepGet, its subclasses, and Syndie. Take care not to break Syndie. The only advantage seems to be a total timeout period, which is the second argument to EepGet.fetch(headerTimeout, totalTimeout, inactivityTimeout), which is most likely always set to -1. Not for use by plugins or external applications, subject to change. Use socket.setsotimeout instead?
    • Constructor Detail

      • SocketTimeout

        public SocketTimeout​(long delay)
        delay - The inactivity delay, greater than zero
      • SocketTimeout

        public SocketTimeout​(Socket socket,
                             long delay)
        If socket is non-null, or is set later by setSocket(), it will be closed when the timer expires.
        socket - may be null
        delay - The inactivity delay, greater than zero
    • Method Detail

      • timeReached

        public void timeReached()
        Description copied from class: SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent
        Simple interface for events to be queued up and notified on expiration the time requested has been reached (this call should NOT block, otherwise the whole SimpleTimer gets backed up)
        Specified by:
        timeReached in class SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent
      • cancel

        public boolean cancel()
        Change in return value from void to boolean in 0.9.3 accidentally broke Syndie, sorry. Recompile Syndie to fix it.
        cancel in class SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent
        true if cancelled
      • setSocket

        public void setSocket​(Socket s)
        If non-null, will be closed when the timer expires.
      • resetTimer

        public void resetTimer()
        Call when there is activity
      • setInactivityTimeout

        public void setInactivityTimeout​(long delay)
        Changes the delay provided in the constructor
        delay - greater than zero
      • setTotalTimeoutPeriod

        public void setTotalTimeoutPeriod​(long timeoutPeriod)
        If greater than zero, must be greater than the inactivity timeout.
        timeoutPeriod - Time since constructed, or less than or equal to zero to disable
      • setTimeoutCommand

        public void setTimeoutCommand​(Runnable job)
        If non-null, will be run when the timer expires.