Connection |
Maintain the state controlling a streaming connection between two
Connection.ResendPacketEvent |
This is not normally scheduled.
ConnectionHandler |
Receive new connection attempts
Use a bounded queue to limit the damage from SYN floods,
router overload, or a slow client
ConnectionManager |
Coordinate all of the connections for a single local destination.
ConnectionManager.PingNotifier |
The callback interface for a pong.
ConnectionOptions |
Define the current options for the con (and allow custom tweaking midstream)
TODO many of these are not per-connection options, and should be migrated
somewhere so they aren't copied for every connection
ConnectionPacketHandler |
Receive a packet for a particular connection - placing the data onto the
queue, marking packets as acked, updating various fields, etc.
I2PServerSocketFull |
Bridge to allow accepting new connections
I2PSocketFull |
Bridge between the full streaming lib and the I2PSocket API
I2PSocketManagerFull |
Centralize the coordination and multiplexing of the local client's streaming.
I2PSocketOptionsImpl |
Define the configuration for streaming and verifying data on the socket.
MessageHandler |
Receive raw information from the I2PSession and turn it into
Packets, if we can.
MessageInputStream |
Stream that can be given messages out of order
yet present them in order.
MessageOutputStream |
A stream that we can shove data into that fires off those bytes
on flush or when the buffer is full.
MessageOutputStream.DataReceiver |
Define a component to receive data flushed from this stream
MessageOutputStream.WriteStatus |
Define a way to detect the status of a write
Packet |
This contains solely the data that goes out on the wire,
including the local and remote port which is embedded in
the I2CP overhead, not in the packet itself.
PacketHandler |
receive a packet and dispatch it correctly to the connection specified,
the server socket, or queue a reply RST packet.
PacketLocal |
This is the class used for outbound packets.
PacketQueue |
Queue out packets to be sent through the session.
PcapWriter |
Write a standard pcap file with a "TCP" packet that can be analyzed with
standard tools such as wireshark.
RetransmissionTimer |
Per-destination timer
SchedulerChooser |
Examine a connection's state and pick the right scheduler for it.
SchedulerImpl |
Base scheduler
TaskScheduler |
Coordinates what we do 'next'.