Class JSONRPC2ExtendedError

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JSONRPC2ExtendedError
    extends JSONRPC2Error
    Represents a JSON-RPC 2.0 error that occured during the processing of a request.

    The protocol expects error objects to be structured like this:

    • code An integer that indicates the error type.
    • message A string providing a short description of the error. The message should be limited to a concise single sentence.
    • data Additional information, which may be omitted. Its contents is entirely defined by the application.

    Note that the "Error" word in the class name was put there solely to comply with the parlance of the JSON-RPC spec. This class doesn't inherit from java.lang.Error. It's a regular subclass of java.lang.Exception and, if thrown, it's to indicate a condition that a reasonable application might want to catch.

    This class also includes convenient final static instances for all standard JSON-RPC 2.0 errors:

    Note that the range -32099..-32000 is reserved for additional server errors.

    The mapping between JSON and Java entities (as defined by the underlying JSON.simple library):

         true|false  <--->  java.lang.Boolean
         number      <--->  java.lang.Number
         string      <--->  java.lang.String
         array       <--->  java.util.List
         object      <--->  java.util.Map
         null        <--->  null

    The JSON-RPC 2.0 specification and user group forum can be found here.

    1.16 (2010-10-04)
    Vladimir Dzhuvinov
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final JSONRPC2Error INVALID_PASSWORD
        Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0, implementation defined error (-32099 .. -32000)
      • NO_TOKEN

        public static final JSONRPC2Error NO_TOKEN
        Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0, implementation defined error (-32099 .. -32000)

        public static final JSONRPC2Error INVALID_TOKEN
        Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0, implementation defined error (-32099 .. -32000)

        public static final JSONRPC2Error TOKEN_EXPIRED
        Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0, implementation defined error (-32099 .. -32000)

        public static final JSONRPC2Error UNSPECIFIED_API_VERSION
        Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0, implementation defined error (-32099 .. -32000)

        public static final JSONRPC2Error UNSUPPORTED_API_VERSION
        Invalid JSON-RPC 2.0, implementation defined error (-32099 .. -32000)
    • Constructor Detail

      • JSONRPC2ExtendedError

        public JSONRPC2ExtendedError​(int code,
                                     String message)
        Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 error with the specified code and message. The optional data is omitted.
        code - The error code (standard pre-defined or application-specific).
        message - The error message.
      • JSONRPC2ExtendedError

        public JSONRPC2ExtendedError​(int code,
                                     String message,
                                     Object data)
        Creates a new JSON-RPC 2.0 error with the specified code, message and data.
        code - The error code (standard pre-defined or application-specific).
        message - The error message.
        data - Optional error data, must map to a valid JSON type.