Class Blocklist

  • public class Blocklist
    extends Object
    Manage blocking by IP address, in a manner similar to the Banlist, which blocks by router hash. We also try to keep the two lists in sync: if a router at a given IP is blocked, we will also banlist it "forever" (until the next reboot). While the reverse case (blocking the IP of a router banlisted forever) is not automatic, the transports will call add() below to block the IP, which allows the transports to terminate an inbound connection before the router ident handshake. And the on-disk blocklist can also contain router hashes to be banlisted. So, this class maintains three separate lists:
       1) The list of IP ranges, read in from a file at startup
       2) The list of hashes, read in from the same file
       3) A list of single IPs, initially empty, added to as needed
    Read in the IP blocklist from a file, store it in-memory as efficiently as we can, and perform tests against it as requested. When queried for a peer that is blocklisted but isn't banlisted, banlist it forever, then go back to the file to get the original entry so we can add the reason to the banlist text. On-disk blocklist supports IPv4 only. In-memory supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Blocklist

        public Blocklist​(RouterContext context)
        Router MUST call startup()
    • Method Detail

      • startup

        public void startup()
        Loads the following files in-order: $I2P/blocklist.txt ~/.i2p/blocklist.txt ~/.i2p/docs/feed/blocklist/blocklist.txt ~/.i2p/blocklist-countries.txt File if specified with router.blocklist.file
      • addCountryFile

        public void addCountryFile()
        The blocklist-country.txt file was created or updated. Read it in. Not required normally, as the country file is read by startup().
      • disable

        public void disable()
      • add

        public void add​(String ip)
        Maintain a simple in-memory single-IP blocklist This is used for new additions, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
        ip - IPv4 or IPv6
      • add

        public void add​(byte[] ip)
        Maintain a simple in-memory single-IP blocklist This is used for new additions, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
        ip - IPv4 or IPv6
      • remove

        public void remove​(byte[] ip)
        Remove from the in-memory single-IP blocklist. This is only works to undo add()s, NOT for the main list of IP ranges read in from the file.
        ip - IPv4 or IPv6
      • isBlocklisted

        public boolean isBlocklisted​(Hash peer)
        Does the peer's IP address appear in the blocklist? If so, and it isn't banlisted, banlist it forever...
      • isBlocklisted

        public boolean isBlocklisted​(RouterInfo pinfo)
        Does the peer's IP address appear in the blocklist? If so, and it isn't banlisted, banlist it forever...
      • isBlocklisted

        public boolean isBlocklisted​(String ip)
        calling this externally won't banlist the peer, this is just an IP check
        ip - IPv4 or IPv6
      • isBlocklisted

        public boolean isBlocklisted​(byte[] ip)
        calling this externally won't banlist the peer, this is just an IP check
        ip - IPv4 or IPv6
      • isPermanentlyBlocklisted

        public boolean isPermanentlyBlocklisted​(int ip)
        Do a binary search through the in-memory range list which is a sorted array of longs. The array is sorted in signed order, but we don't care. Each long is ((from << 32) | to) Public for console only, not a public API
        0.9.45 split out from above, public since 0.9.48 for console
      • getFrom

        public static int getFrom​(long entry)
        Public for console only, not a public API
        public since 0.9.48
      • getTo

        public static int getTo​(long entry)
        Public for console only, not a public API
        public since 0.9.48
      • toStr

        public static String toStr​(int ip)
        Public for console only, not a public API
        public since 0.9.48
      • getTransientIPv4Blocks

        public List<Integer> getTransientIPv4Blocks()
        Single IPs blocked until restart. Unsorted. Public for console only, not a public API
        a copy, unsorted
      • getTransientIPv6Blocks

        public List<BigInteger> getTransientIPv6Blocks()
        Single IPs blocked until restart. Unsorted. Public for console only, not a public API
        a copy, unsorted
      • getPermanentBlocks

        public long[] getPermanentBlocks​(int max)
        IP ranges blocked until restart. Sorted, but as signed longs, so 128-255 are first Public for console only, not a public API
        max - maximum entries to return
        a copy, sorted
      • getBlocklistSize

        public int getBlocklistSize()
        Size of permanent blocklist Public for console only, not a public API