Uses of Interface
Packages that use ReplyCallback Package Description net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet Implementation of ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet (proposal 144).net.i2p.router.message Creates and parses garlic messages. -
Uses of ReplyCallback in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet
Methods in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet with parameters of type ReplyCallback Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) boolean
RatchetSKM. createSession(PublicKey target, Destination d, HandshakeState state, ReplyCallback callback)
Inbound or outbound.byte[]
ECIESAEADEngine. encrypt(CloveSet cloves, PublicKey target, Destination to, PrivateKey priv, RatchetSKM keyManager, ReplyCallback callback)
Encrypt the data to the target using the given key and deliver the specified tags No new session key This is the one called from GarlicMessageBuilder and is the primary entry point.(package private) void
RatchetSKM. registerCallback(PublicKey target, int id, int n, ReplyCallback callback)
(package private) boolean
RatchetSKM. updateSession(PublicKey target, HandshakeState oldState, HandshakeState state, ReplyCallback callback, SplitKeys split)
Inbound or outbound. -
Uses of ReplyCallback in net.i2p.router.message
Methods in net.i2p.router.message with parameters of type ReplyCallback Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) static GarlicMessage
GarlicMessageBuilder. buildECIESMessage(RouterContext ctx, GarlicConfig config, Hash from, Destination to, SessionKeyManager skm, ReplyCallback callback)
ECIES_X25519 only.(package private) static GarlicMessage
OutboundClientMessageJobHelper. createGarlicMessage(RouterContext ctx, long replyToken, long expiration, PublicKey recipientPK, PayloadGarlicConfig dataClove, Hash from, Destination dest, TunnelInfo replyTunnel, int tagsToSendOverride, int lowTagsOverride, SessionKey wrappedKey, Set<SessionTag> wrappedTags, boolean requireAck, LeaseSet bundledReplyLeaseSet, ReplyCallback callback)
Allow the app to specify the data clove directly, which enables OutboundClientMessage to resend the same payload (including expiration and unique id) in different garlics (down different tunnels) This is called from OCMOSJ