ACKBitfield |
Generic means of SACK/NACK transmission for partially or fully
received messages
EstablishmentManager |
Coordinate the establishment of new sessions - both inbound and outbound.
InboundEstablishState |
Data for a new connection being established, where the remote peer has
initiated the connection with us.
InboundEstablishState.InboundState |
InboundMessageFragments |
Organize the received data message fragments, feeding completed messages
to the MessageReceiver and telling the ACKSender of new
peers to ACK.
InboundMessageFragments.ModifiableLong |
Modifiable Long, no locking
InboundMessageState |
Hold the raw data fragments of an inbound message.
IntroductionManager |
Keep track of inbound and outbound introductions.
MessageQueue |
Base queue for messages not yet packetized
OutboundEstablishState |
Data for a new connection being established, where we initiated the
connection with a remote peer.
OutboundEstablishState.OutboundState |
OutboundMessageFragments |
Coordinate the outbound fragments and select the next one to be built.
OutboundMessageFragments.ActiveThrottle |
OutboundMessageState |
Maintain the outbound fragmentation for resending, for a single message.
PacketBuilder.Fragment |
Class for passing multiple fragments to buildPacket()
PacketHandler |
Pull inbound packets from the inbound receiver's queue, figure out what
peer session they belong to (if any), authenticate and decrypt them
with the appropriate keys, and push them to the appropriate handler.
PeerState |
Contain all of the state about a UDP connection to a peer.
PeerTestManager |
Entry points are runTest() to start a new test as Alice,
and receiveTest() for all received test packets.
PeerTestState.Role |
RemoteHostId |
Unique ID for a peer - its IP + port, all bundled into a tidy obj.
SocketListener |
TimedWeightedPriorityMessageQueue.FailedListener |
UDPAddress |
basic helper to parse out peer info from a udp address
UDPEndpoint |
Coordinate the low-level datagram socket, creating and managing the UDPSender and
UDPPacket |
Basic delivery unit containing the datagram.
UDPPacketReader |
To read a packet, initialize this reader with the data and fetch out
the appropriate fields.
UDPPacketReader.DataReader |
parse out the data message
UDPPacketReader.PeerTestReader |
Help read the PeerTest payload
UDPPacketReader.Reader |
UDPPacketReader.RelayIntroReader |
Help read the RelayIntro payload
UDPPacketReader.RelayRequestReader |
Help read the RelayRequest payload
UDPPacketReader.RelayResponseReader |
Help read the RelayResponse payload
UDPPacketReader.SessionConfirmedReader |
parse out the confirmed message
UDPPacketReader.SessionCreatedReader |
Help read the SessionCreated payload
UDPPacketReader.SessionRequestReader |
Help read the SessionRequest payload
UDPSender |
Lowest level packet sender, pushes anything on its queue ASAP.
UDPTransport |
The SSU transport