Class TunnelGatewayZeroHop

  • class TunnelGatewayZeroHop
    extends TunnelGateway
    Serve as the gatekeeper for a tunnel with no hops, either inbound or outbound.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(TunnelGatewayMessage msg)
        Add a message to be sent down the tunnel, where we are the inbound gateway. This requires converting the message included in the TGM from an UnknownI2NPMessage to the correct message class. See TunnelGatewayMessage for details.
        add in class TunnelGateway
        msg - message received to be sent through the tunnel
      • add

        public void add​(I2NPMessage msg,
                        Hash toRouter,
                        TunnelId toTunnel)
        Add a message to be sent down the tunnel (immediately forwarding it to the InboundMessageDistributor or OutboundMessageDistributor, as necessary).
        add in class TunnelGateway
        msg - message to be sent through the tunnel
        toRouter - router to send to after the endpoint (or null for endpoint processing)
        toTunnel - tunnel to send to after the endpoint (or null for endpoint or router processing)