Class NewsFetcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Runnable, UpdateTask, EepGet.StatusListener

    class NewsFetcher
    extends UpdateRunner
    Task to fetch updates to the news.xml, and to keep track of whether that has an announcement for a new version.
    0.9.4 moved from NewsFetcher and make an Updater
    • Method Detail

      • fetchNews

        public void fetchNews()
      • checkForUpdates

        void checkForUpdates()
        Parse the installed (not the temp) news file for the latest version. TODO: Real XML parsing TODO: Check minVersion, use backup URLs specified TODO: SU3
      • bytesTransferred

        public void bytesTransferred​(long alreadyTransferred,
                                     int currentWrite,
                                     long bytesTransferred,
                                     long bytesRemaining,
                                     String url)
        override to prevent status update
        Specified by:
        bytesTransferred in interface EepGet.StatusListener
        bytesTransferred in class UpdateRunner
        alreadyTransferred - total of all attempts, not including currentWrite If nonzero on the first call, a partial file of that length was found, _and_ the server supports resume. If zero on a subsequent call after some bytes are transferred (and presumably after an attemptFailed), the server does _not_ support resume and we had to start over. To track _actual_ transfer if the output file could already exist, the listener should keep its own counter, or subtract the initial alreadyTransferred value. And watch out for alreadyTransferred resetting if a resume failed...
        currentWrite - since last call to the listener
        bytesTransferred - includes headers, retries, redirects, discarded partial downloads, ...
        bytesRemaining - on this attempt only, currentWrite already subtracted - or -1 if chunked encoding or server does not return a length