Class RrdBackend

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ByteBufferBackend, RrdRandomAccessFileBackend

    public abstract class RrdBackend
    extends Object

    Base implementation class for all backend classes. Each Round Robin Database object (RrdDb object) is backed with a single RrdBackend object which performs actual I/O operations on the underlying storage. Rrd4j supports multiple backends out of the box. E.g.:

    • RrdRandomAccessFileBackend: objects of this class are created from the RrdRandomAccessFileBackendFactory class. This was the default backend used in all Rrd4j releases prior to 1.4.0. It uses* package and RandomAccessFile class to store RRD data in files on the disk.
    • RrdNioBackend: objects of this class are created from the RrdNioBackendFactory class. The backend uses* and java.nio.* classes (mapped ByteBuffer) to store RRD data in files on the disk. This backend is fast, very fast, but consumes a lot of memory (borrowed not from the JVM but from the underlying operating system directly). This is the default backend used in Rrd4j since 1.4.0 release.
    • RrdMemoryBackend: objects of this class are created from the RrdMemoryBackendFactory class. This backend stores all data in memory. Once JVM exits, all data gets lost. The backend is extremely fast and memory hungry.

    To create your own backend in order to provide some custom type of RRD storage, you should do the following:

    • Create your custom RrdBackend class (RrdCustomBackend, for example) by extending RrdBackend class. You have to implement all abstract methods defined in the base class.
    • Create your custom RrdBackendFactory class (RrdCustomBackendFactory, for example) by extending RrdBackendFactory class. You have to implement all abstract methods defined in the base class. Your custom factory class will actually create custom backend objects when necessary.
    • Create instance of your custom RrdBackendFactory and register it as a regular factory available to Rrd4j framework. See javadoc for RrdBackendFactory to find out how to do this.
    Sasa Markovic
    • Field Detail


        protected static final ByteOrder BYTEORDER
        All ByteBuffer usage should use this standard order.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RrdBackend

        protected RrdBackend​(String path)
        Creates backend for a RRD storage with the given path.
        path - String identifying RRD storage. For files on the disk, this argument should represent file path. Other storage types might interpret this argument differently.
    • Method Detail

      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Returns path to the storage.
        Storage path
      • getUri

        public URI getUri()
        Return the URI associated to this backend, using the factory to generate it from the path.
        URI to this backend's rrd.
      • write

        protected abstract void write​(long offset,
                                      byte[] b)
                               throws IOException
        Writes an array of bytes to the underlying storage starting from the given storage offset.
        offset - Storage offset.
        b - Array of bytes that should be copied to the underlying storage
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error
      • read

        protected abstract void read​(long offset,
                                     byte[] b)
                              throws IOException
        Reads an array of bytes from the underlying storage starting from the given storage offset.
        offset - Storage offset.
        b - Array which receives bytes from the underlying storage
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error
      • getLength

        public abstract long getLength()
                                throws IOException
        Returns the number of RRD bytes in the underlying storage.
        Number of RRD bytes in the storage.
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error.
      • setLength

        protected abstract void setLength​(long length)
                                   throws IOException
        Sets the number of bytes in the underlying RRD storage. This method is called only once, immediately after a new RRD storage gets created.
        length - Length of the underlying RRD storage in bytes.
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error.
      • close

        protected abstract void close()
                               throws IOException
        Closes the underlying backend. Used internally, should not be called from external code.
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error
      • rrdClose

        protected void rrdClose()
                         throws IOException
        Closes the underlying backend. Call by RrdDb#close() when it's closed. All subclass must keep calling it.
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error
      • isCachingAllowed

        protected boolean isCachingAllowed()
        This method suggests the caching policy to the Rrd4j frontend (high-level) classes. If true is returned, frontend classes will cache frequently used parts of a RRD file in memory to improve performance. If false is returned, high level classes will never cache RRD file sections in memory.
        true if file caching is enabled, false otherwise. By default, the method returns true but it can be overridden in subclasses.
      • readAll

        public final byte[] readAll()
                             throws IOException
        Reads all RRD bytes from the underlying storage.
        RRD bytes
        IOException - Thrown in case of I/O error
      • writeShort

        protected void writeShort​(long offset,
                                  short value)
                           throws IOException
      • writeDouble

        protected void writeDouble​(long offset,
                                   double value)
                            throws IOException
      • writeDouble

        protected void writeDouble​(long offset,
                                   double value,
                                   int count)
                            throws IOException
      • writeDouble

        protected void writeDouble​(long offset,
                                   double[] values)
                            throws IOException
      • readDouble

        protected double[] readDouble​(long offset,
                                      int count)
                               throws IOException
      • getCharBuffer

        protected CharBuffer getCharBuffer​(long offset,
                                           int size)
                                    throws IOException
        Extract a CharBuffer from the backend, used by readString
        offset - the offset in the rrd
        size - the size of the buffer, in character
        a new CharBuffer
        IOException - if the read fails
      • isInstanceCreated

        static boolean isInstanceCreated()