Archive |
Instances of this class model an archive section of an RRD file.
CDPStatusBlock |
Instances of this class model the consolidation data point status from an RRD file.
ConsolidationFunctionType |
Class ConsolidationFunctionType
Constants |
DataChunk |
Models a chunk of result data from an RRDatabase.
DataSource |
Instances of this class model a data source in an RRD file.
DataSourceType |
Class DataSourceType
Header |
Instances of this class model the header section of an RRD file.
PDPStatusBlock |
Instances of this class model the primary data point status from an RRD file.
RRDatabase |
RRDFile |
This class is used read information from an RRD file.
UnivalArray |
This class is used to read a unival from a file
unival is a rrdtool type, defined in rrd_format.h