ArcDef |
Class to represent single archive definition within the RRD.
Archive |
Class to represent single RRD archive in a RRD with its internal state.
ArcState |
Class to represent internal RRD archive state for a single datasource.
ByteBufferBackend |
A backend that store and provides access to data using a ByteBuffer , using java internal methods for
long, integer and others types.
DataImporter |
An abstract class to import data from external source.
Datasource |
Class to represent single datasource within RRD.
DsDef |
Class to represent single data source definition within the RRD.
FetchData |
Class used to represent data fetched from the RRD.
FetchRequest |
Class to represent fetch request.
Header |
Class to represent RRD header.
Robin |
Class to represent archive values for a single datasource.
RrdAllocator |
An internal usage class.
RrdBackend |
Base implementation class for all backend classes.
RrdBackendAnnotation |
RrdBackendFactory |
Base (abstract) backend factory class which holds references to all concrete
backend factories and defines abstract methods which must be implemented in
all concrete factory implementations.
RrdDb |
Main class used to create and manipulate round robin databases (RRDs).
RrdDb.Builder |
Builder for RrdDb instances.
RrdDbPool |
This class should be used to synchronize access to RRD files
in a multithreaded environment.
RrdDef |
Class to represent definition of new Round Robin Database (RRD).
RrdDouble |
RrdDoubleMatrix |
RrdException |
A general purpose RRD4J exception.
RrdFileBackend |
An abstract backend which is used to store RRD data to ordinary files on the disk.
RrdFileBackendFactory |
An abstract backend factory which is used to store RRD data to ordinary files on the disk.
RrdInt |
RrdPrimitive |
RrdRandomAccessFileBackend |
Backend which is used to store RRD data to ordinary files on the disk.
RrdRandomAccessFileBackendFactory |
RrdSyncThreadPool |
Thread pool used by RrdNioBackend instances to periodically sync the mapped file to disk.
RrdUpdater |
Sample |
Class to represent data source values for the given timestamp.
XmlTemplate |
Class used as a base class for various XML template related classes.
XmlWriter |
Extremely simple utility class used to create XML documents.